People need to belong to a fellowship; people desire a battle.
The problem is, if you don't figure out what your purpose is,
you'll invent strange ways to belong to a crew and compete.
I was walking on lunch the other day and I saw a very strange
and sad scene: grown men taking their one hour of freedom
during their work day trotting out to a field of grass behind
their office building to play...kick ball. Yes, 20 and 40-somthing's
playing kickball - really!!?
We live in a society that has a bunch of sick men and tired
women. Men that are sick in their heart, and women that are
tired of wearing the pants. It's no wonder we create weird things
for us to entertain ourselves with, and perhaps deaden the ache
of regret. More women are working than ever before to pay for
their "man's" toys. More men are spending their hours being
"gamers", playing video games, softball, joining church basketball
leagues or simply watching other people compete on the tube
instead of getting in a crew that will call them into a battle that
The problem is, if you don't figure out what your purpose is,
you'll invent strange ways to belong to a crew and compete.
I was walking on lunch the other day and I saw a very strange
and sad scene: grown men taking their one hour of freedom
during their work day trotting out to a field of grass behind
their office building to play...kick ball. Yes, 20 and 40-somthing's
playing kickball - really!!?
We live in a society that has a bunch of sick men and tired
women. Men that are sick in their heart, and women that are
tired of wearing the pants. It's no wonder we create weird things
for us to entertain ourselves with, and perhaps deaden the ache
of regret. More women are working than ever before to pay for
their "man's" toys. More men are spending their hours being
"gamers", playing video games, softball, joining church basketball
leagues or simply watching other people compete on the tube
instead of getting in a crew that will call them into a battle that
is the most magnificent competition in which they canindulge in
- a cause that will bring out all that is best; something that removes
all that is base.
General George S. Patton once said, "All men are afraid in battle.
The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty.
Duty is the essence of manhood." I hope to seek out men of duty,
connect with them and if I'm fortunate, they will join my crew and
compete alongside me for the hearts and minds of men.
- a cause that will bring out all that is best; something that removes
all that is base.
General George S. Patton once said, "All men are afraid in battle.
The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty.
Duty is the essence of manhood." I hope to seek out men of duty,
connect with them and if I'm fortunate, they will join my crew and
compete alongside me for the hearts and minds of men.
Things that will determine where you'll be in the future:
1. The people you hang with (your crew)
2. The books you read (your field guides)
3. The stuff you put in your brain through your ear (your attitude)
4. The vehicle you choose to go places (choose wisely)
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