
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

We all know the popular TV game show titled "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?", which offers a maximum prize of $1,000,000 (originally lump sum) for correctly answering 15 successive multiple-choice questions of increasing difficulty.  

Prior to syndication, the TV show originally offered three ways to answer a tough question:

  • 50:50: The computer eliminated two incorrect answers, leaving only one incorrect answer and the correct answer. 
  • Ask the Audience: This lifeline was earned upon answering the tenth question. The computer replaced, at the contestant's request, one question with another of the same monetary value. 
  • Phone-A-Friend: (1999–2010): Contestant could call one of up to three prearranged friends, who all had to provide their phone numbers in advance. The contestant had 30 seconds to read the question and answer choices to the friend, who then had the remaining time to offer their input to the contestant.
In life we all need life lines.  Most of us take our chances using the 50:50 approach to solving tough issues or answering tough questions in our life.  We simply narrow the choices, guest based on our wisdom and hope for the best.  This approach ultimately causes the most headaches, costs us the most money, and wastes the most time.

We could ask the audience, which most of us do too.  It's been said that one thing that will determine the person you'll become are the friends you hang around.  The power of association is a powerful thing.  However, most us ask our "peers" some of life's most important questions, like how to raise kids, finances, relationships, etc.  Sadly, many of us listen to the opinions of people that are in our same situation or worse and we live with the results of their wisdom.  Group think can be a dangerous dynamic in your destiny. For example, I've heard stats that your annual income will be within $10,000 of your five closest friends.  People that make $40K/year typically hang with folks that make about $40K/year too.  Millionaires hang with millionaires, and so on...

I think the best life line is the phone-a-friend.  The caveot I must insert here is that fact that you must raise your level of friends to use this life line.  In this case, we'll call the phone-a-friend a mentor.  Mentor relationships are often romantized and theorized, but rarely realized. This life line takes practice and intentionality.  A mentor should be someone you can run after.  A mentor should be someone who has achieved and is modeling the life you desire.  It's been said, don't follow a leader who isn't being lead.  So, if you strive to be leader worth following, you must find someone to follow in life.  When we find people we can see have made it to the next ridge, just ahead in the horizon, we can climb up to them and eventually follow them to the top.

Find a friend and phone him, even daily if needed for a season.  Ask, think about what he or she says, and then follow their lead (repeat the process as needed).

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